On Tuesday, May 2, Articles 57 and 58, which propose to create a new ID3 district in Andover and re-zone four parcels on Dascomb Road as ID3, were withdrawn. 

A recap of the discussion on Articles 57 and 58 has been posted here, including video. The articles were withdrawn by sponsor Wendy Donohue, at the request of developer Sal Lupoli, in anticipation of being presented for a vote at a special town meeting in the fall at a date to be determined. 

Zoning changes requires 2/3 majority of voters attending Town Meeting.


Vote to Support Residential Development as part of this project:

You can vote YES on only articles #57 and 58 at the fall town meeting, which would give the developer the right to add a residential component to his project under the restrictions outlined in these articles.  This would replace current zoning for the Dascomb Road ID2 district ONLY.

You can vote NO on articles 57 and 58, which would keep the  commercial/industrial ID2 designation on Dascomb Road, and vote YES on #68* to allow any ID2 zone in Andover to have residential and not force a developer to obey the residency restrictions. You can also vote YES on #69 which would add a restriction to the ID2 zones which would provide a 3 to 1 ratio of Residential to Commercial/Retail square footage.

(Note that if you YES on articles 57 58, and the warrant article passes, the Dascomb Road zone will be considered ID3 with the corresponding 1-to-2 residential-to-commercial ratio, and would not be impacted by the vote on articles #68* and #69, that are specific to ID2 and would create a 3-to-1 residential-to-commercial ratio.) 


Vote to Oppose Resident Development as part of this Project:

You must vote NO on all of the warrant articles: 57, 58, 68, 69

If you only vote NO on 57 and 58, a developer can still do the residential if #68 passes, but with none of the ID3 mixed use restrictions.  If #69 also passes, the restrictions are different that the ones proposed by in warrant article 57 and 58, as outlined above. 

*Note that there are reports that article 68 will be withdrawn from the Town Meeting warrant by sponsor Stephen Stapinski. Check back to this page and the blog for confirmation.

Other Town Meeting Voting Information:

NOTE: There is babysitting available on night 3 on Monday, May 8.  Click here for info: http://andoverrec.com/events/townmeeting